Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Hungry Kya?

Phew !!! There was no way I could recover what I wrote earlier...
Did not save the draft so lost all that I had written.
So essentially the topic is the same, though the way the personal comments that have been written is different.....

It all began with a lunch time discussion on whether Maggi contains MSG(Monosodium Glumate) or not.

For a person for whom Maggi is the Quick fix meal... knowing more abt maggi is the big thing...
So it came as a surprise when someone mentioned that there is no MSG in maggi atleast not in the nutritional info given in the packet.(Here in US all foodstuff should have the calorie , fat,etc marking in the package cover.)

Maggi being the intial manna for most of the 'onsiters', this was something which did not gel well with what I had read somewhere... Also inspite of the fact that it contains MSG we all have it and can cook it in a variety of styles. All that differs is the water and veggie content...

So we have maggi in south indian style with tadka, or maggi in north indian style with garam masala or maggi in chinese style with soy sauce or just plain old maggi....

Coutesy google did find some more abt MSG and Maggi... which of course have pasted below for FYI.


the MSG thing: look carefully at the packaging of the product you pick up. More often than not, it'll say :NO ADDED MSG. This doesn't mean that they haven't added any MSG. There IS the requisite amount of the vile thing needed to add shelf life and viscosity to the product. It's clever marketing meets semantics. If it were 100% MSG free, it would have said: NO MSG ADDED. It's that simple, it's that complicated.



Just wanted to share the info too.

As I was going through this thats when I started visiting the food blogs..
For a foodie that I am this seemed to be a real nice treat..
Especially since I am hungry... Have given below the links I visited in the order of visiting them.





Browsing through some of this I am really hungry u know....
So off I go for lunch and probably you can also njoiii some of these atleast.

Warm Regards,