Sunday, December 17, 2006
Singles getting extinct .????
Lets see...
Two of my very good friends got married on Saturday...Me being here missed all the fun.
Most of my friends on orkut are putting up double photos meaning couple waale...
Most of my batchmates guys including hav got married or commited...(commited mane booked :) ) Of course there is another set who are putting kids photos...
Fortunately my school friends and some of my college friends are remaining in the same boat as me :)
In Office all are married else fianced....
what happened to the singles movement....I wonder?
Its nice to knw ur friends status is changing if not VISA status, nice to see the snaps whether it is them alone or with spouse or with kids....
But somewhere wistfully you look and feel where are ppl like us.
Among the gang the rush of knowing a close friend getting married is amazing and best still is attending the wedding. Given the different regional friends its nice to attend different types of wedding.
Greater is the amazement when you know of some of your friends with kids.. It is a very pleasing and fun feeling to knw that a key to the next generation is in their hands....
( Of course that does move you to Bhai jee and Behen jee or Uncle-Aunty Level.)
Though I guess i wrote this feelingly because of my inability to attend the weddings...But i think it is nice to get or rather give some reassurance to my still single friends..
Bhaiiyon - Beheno our tribe is not extinct yet :D
Neways still on a lookout kii ab kiska number next aayega...
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
rAnDOm tHoUGhts
and when you stare at the blank computer page....nothing absolutely nothing comes to your mind.....
I started like that just to try to remember the thoughts that random...and so many views I have but maybe cannot express.....
I subscribe to the pravsj forwards...sometimes the messages which come are really good and especially the quotes.....The quotes in themselves are pretty motivational but some times the pictures are pretty bleak.....though the quote makes up for that too.......
I had subscribe to those messages to ensure that i am in regular supply of good quotes so that i could forward to my friend circle morning moring as a good morning wish....just like some of my friends religiously send the Good morning mails...its nice to go morning morning and receive the morning's a different thing that my morning here happens pretty compared to indian mornings.....
so by the time i decide to send a good morning mail its almost the next day there ....
Neways...i am slowly slowly getting used to being alone though cannot associate that with loneliness.....have to find a way to find solace in it.....
first I used to avoid staying alone coz thats the time when you terribly miss everything that matter most....
but now slowly slowly inch by inch trying or rather learning to deal with it......
Of couse having internet helps coz browsing sites themselves causes a lot of timepass though you might not say productive time pass...
you can also ensure it is searching for deals....
when i came to of the first things i learnt from collegues and roomies was that if u get good deals online you save quite a lot,..... so each of them ensured that they saw deals online in various sites first and publicise it...most of them had a daily morning good morning routine.....of seeing all the possible sites for deals....
I thought it was a trend here so me to joined the band wagon for some days....but had no patience to wait and search for some thing which I would not buy thinking that there would be a good deal next.... thankfully its not become a habit now :)
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Old World Charm.........

As I was browsing rediff came across this article.....
But instead of thinking abt the Diwali factor...(article was for How Bollywood celebrates the festival of lights) I went on a different track.....
This picture reminded me of how Waqt (one of my favourites movies) is so different from the movies that come up today .... Looking back at this picture reminded me of how chivalrous men were and how different were the get up of females then....
The bouiffed hair do and the stitched on to you clothes....Yet it was an era it in regional cinema...bollywood or hollywood...
where actors charmed people by their graces.....and most of whom had an aura about them..irrespective of whatever the tabloids said.... there youthful Shashi Kapoor...a yahoo Shammi Kapoor... a charismatic Dharmendra and a wonderful Sunil Dutt......boyish Joy Mukherjee
Of course there were stalwarts like Balraj Sahni, Pran, Prithviraj and of course Dileep Kumar.
Who can forget the doll like Saira, the Sadhana in white, coiffed Asha Parekh,smiling Vyajayantimala, doe eyed Sharmila, the trendsetter Nargis or the effervescent Madhubala....
They had a grace which could be rivaled by very few.....
The different part about these movies were that most of them are not watchable with the current mindset...for these you have to go to the nostlagic mindset :)
All the movies had real good songs..hummable even now...and mostly with social messages which did not seem like a bitter pill to swallow....else it was the typical "Alls Right with the world" ending inspite of all the trials and tribulations the protagonist had to suffer through out the movie... And yes some fabulous scenaries prior to Yash Chopra discovering Switzerland ..........
So long those were the days of some real good different movies.......the magic of which can rarely be recreated now.....
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Happy ganesh chaturthi in US
Date: Aug 27, 2006 11:15 PM
Subject: Happy ganesh chaturthi in US
Today was Ganesh chaturthi ...........
I never thought i would miss the loud playing of music which used to irritate me.....
Not that 'Mein nikala gaddi leke' from Gadar was ever my favourite .....but i could not tolerate it more after hearing it played continuosly by all the Ganesh mandals of our place at various tempo in my last year of Engg....
The next year I spent the ganesh chaturthi in chennai where i guess vinayaka chaturthi is not of that much fervour as in pune - mumbai ......or maharashtra...
We hardly noticed it.....except for the fact that few of our friends had managed to go home for ganpati ...... and bought back sweets and lovely modaks ...
The ones in the shape of pedes with saffron ( milk sweet meat...) of chitale bandhu or the steamed riceflour modaks with cocunut and jaggery filling heaven in chennai....
but we did get glimpses of ganesh chaturthi albeit limited one with us able to go home earlier as the beach was one of immersion grounds....
only difference being speakers blaring 'apadi pode' instead of hindi songs.....
The next one in hyd was the sense that there was trademark rain and trademark friends going home and getting modaks......But we were in midst of a lot of wrk that time so just had glimpses although really near ones ....
Saw different pandals on the way back frm office while in bus....
Our building had kept one so there was pooja and last day there was a group prasad dinner tooo
Ghar ka type khana having it seated on ground in leaf plate.....
So did not miss pune -mumbai type ka ganesh chaturthi
infact felt a relief that it was not too noisy.....
Not that i am an ardent fan of festivals...but that it is such a part and parcel of life that it gelled into the routine so much that i did not notice it much and had got used to it
....That was i know that how much i or rather everybody considers it a part and parcel of life that we don't notice it unless you miss tht routine some how...
This year Ganpati in US was different to the point that nothing happened ..If it wasn't for the fact that i already knew it I would not have noticed it....
Although climate wise it was exactly typical pune rain which made going out as cumbersome as possible....
Was planning of going to a place called Flushing near New York.....where it seems there are lots of temples....
Unfortunately could not make it as it was raining too much in the morning....and mainly no company....
So just like i did on independance day and raksha get the feel of the festival
played the online song compilation at raaga..... :)
Aarti thiii toh atleast laga toh kiii ganesh pooja kahi toh ho rahee hai
The place I stay had a huge indian was able to see lots of couples and families in traditional indian gear as in Saree and sherwani types.....
Esp families who went to temple and came back.....
The only high point being missing modaks........ nebody remotely able to get modaks please hav one for my sake :)
Of course had got a lovely SMS in the morning just like back home I forwarded it to one and all.within US and back home india jayega kii nahi no guarantee.....
Only after forwarding did I realise that even to receive a sms here it is charged....
So all those who got my message bechare charge padd gaya hoga ......
Neways for all those back home ...don't take Ganpati for granted and njoiii the elephant headed god for a fortnight more....Hav a blast....and lots of sweets tooo....
Happy Ganesh Chaturthi.......
Warm regards,
A flashback weekend .................BOWLING
Date: Aug 22, 2006 1:31 AM
Subject: A flashback weekend .................BOWLING
RING RING ..................It was around 10.30ishhh --- 10.45 p.m.... I was just wrapping up the code change to move it to different environment...
One phase had already gone to production and the next was abt to go by next week....
"Hungry kya ..." wala feeling was just starting to develop.....
This was the time when we were in throes of work and so were working late in Hyd...apna golden office re ;)
So rather than tolerate the food at 9.30 team mates would go for bread omlette or maggi which was available after 12.00
(it was a different issue even the non kitchen compliant nut could also make better maggi than what was being dished out at cafeteria)
To get that we would walk down to the dorms cafeteria....discussing abt the problems in general and problems in particular esp late night working which we all had unknowingly got habituated.....
wow woh bhi kya dinn thee :)
toh back to where I started ... RING RING......
my cell was ringing ...
For the first 2-3 rings i did not pick it up thinking some of my friends giving free miss calls for saying good night when their free smses were over...
but the call was continuing...
I saw kii my manager was calling....
mentally in span of 2 secs i reviewed kii was there any escalation or sumthing itnee raat ko without reason toh my manager would never call
nothing i could think of.....
I picked up the cell with worst expectations though i started with all niceties....
"Toh tina jee where is bowling in hyd ....."
I was like 'yeh poochne ke liye call kiya ? '
There are lots of places in hyd , some of friends have gone to this place ...that place....i continued....trying to think at night where did bowling come into picture....
"Where did u guys go? "
I was like yeh kya hua ...we toh went a couple of weeks back ...that too when we had a get together of friends tab....
just to do something different with weekend rather than watching movie......
but how did that come into picture today....
sirjee we went to so and so place in ameerpet....
"yes madam I can see you , vijay, sonia , manoj and smita bowling on TV...."
I almost fell off the chair......
I was like wow ..kya connection ....
I was like speechless for sometime and then manage to croak..... kaunse channel mein yeh aa raha hai ?
"This is coming in Etv telegu ...was watching with my wife...saw u guys toh introduced all of u to her via TV hehehhe
Tell me kab khelne gayein thee..bahut video footage hai ..koi competition tha kya ?"
I was like battti gulll .... .I don't remember coming when they were talking the views toh i guess am not there in footage
No No i said ...we all went with friends to the new place....and they were shooting the way the ball is thrown toh i guess we were just seen in passing reference i think ....
"Well you guys are all seen in full reference and you all seem like pros :) good to see you all in extra currilar activities .hehehe
chalo then njoiii ...just thought would like to tell you that atleast some one saw the prog "
I was just in rewind mode thinking kiii uss dinn meine kya kapde pehene theey (typical girl thought ) and where was that camera.....
Kept the phone aside....
Took the landline to ring up my friends most of whom were there that day....
Now there are three classes of friends...
1) Like me and my roomies who stay together but do not have TV though cable connection ka jugad hai ;)
2) Friends who stay together but definately have TV and who are generally there to see TV
3) Friends who stay in hostel or with someone and TV is accessible but they are generally in office or no where near it.....
I called up my roomate...told her... arrey jaldee se kahi TV hai kya dekh apna footage aa raha hai :)
she was like itnee raat ko all neighbours sleeping
call our 2nd category friends....
Called up 2nd category of friends....took 2 sec to explain them ( i was breathless by then)
they asked very basic question telegu ke toh bahut se channel hai kaunsa waala
i told etv ...ok they said they will try to find out if they hav that....
1 saal se cable tha par kabhi telegu channel nahi dekhiii
toh ek maharashtrian, marwardi, mallu aur gujju milke dhoond rahein they usss channel ko
jab kii waha ka ek lauta teleguite was in office.....
then called up third category and kinda blurted out .....
toh bhai saheb is like pretty cool way mein
behen shannnti se bolo mujhe kuuch samaj nahi aa raha hai ...
i was like jaldee jao apne hostel ka TV on karo apna bowling ka footage aa raha hai telegu channel ETV mein
ur the only one who knws telegu....
search it and see it man.....
behen i am out on the road going to my friends place and far away from my hostel....
are u telling me that it is that day ka footage.....
by then i was kinda parched ...toh bol diya yup....
will get back with more details
the ek lauta teleguite and another of the 3rd category were there in another office ....via official chat unko bhi update kar diya tha
then before I could drink water... the 2nd category friends called up....
Tina everything is written in telegu yaar
can you get more details of the channel ...
I was like ab tak toh manager soo gayein honge
well in 2 channels we can see some documentary ..hope so there will be repeat telecast sumtime tomorrow or today later news broadcast....
Yea....i said...mujhe bhi dekhna thaa,,,,, :(
Will update once I get more details.....
chalo then keep surfing and take care ....
Good night... I said...
the excitement it generated lasted for quite a while and I remembered that it was abt two weeks back that we all had gone bowling....
Some of our batchmates had come down from chennai and pune....
Toh after a typical dhaba lunch what to do....
Koi movie toh release nahi hue
kya karein
then some one suggested that we could go most of the public had not gone to the new bowling alley....
chalo decide kiya
and went ahead.....
the strong 15-16 strong contingent went to the place
keeping the fingers crossed kii it should not be crowded.....
two rinks were empty and we divided ourselves into two grps...
and got ready to bowl ahead.....
Some of our friends had just been to bangalore toh it reminded them of the bowling they did at Forum....
Of course yeh toh bowling alley was no where as compared to that.....
Each of us were honing our skillls plus playing as two teams.... with many inputs abt how to improve the play....
thats when we noticed tht there were a video shooting of all the bowling balls which crashed all the pins....
wow said public chalo pose maarke kartein hain ....
we continued with the game thinking the bowling alley waala shopkeeper was getting footage because of us....
then some friends of ours went and asked ....
those guys were like they were from ETV for a documentary on Youth and their pastimes....
we were like kyun chunna laga rahein ho...
lagta toh nahi hai and we continued and almost forgot abt them
once the game was finished each of us calculating who was first and with how many points each of us were far from the person who came first...
tht we decided bas ho gaya kahi aur jaate hai.....
when we were putting back our shoes .. removing the bowling shoes thats when the footage waala came back for some comments abt the youth .....
I was at the farthest corner and the last one getting i was kinda blissfully missed out...
but the remaining of us gave one or two comments in chaste english...
then they were like if some one knows telegu it will be real good...
Hunted for the ek lauta person in our grp who knew decent telegu and woh bola no ways....
mere relatives hai yehan.....will really feel weird .....
Neways most of us thought kiii shayad yeh chunna laga raha hoga Reporter.....he had a mike though.....
And conveniently we forgot abt it....
So it came as a pleasant surprise that it actually did come up on TV
though it was a tradegy of sorts kii none of us saw the footage....
Neways kabhi toh TV pe aaye :))
All the above thought procedure did not take much long but to write it definately took longer....
For those of who ...who remember the weekend.......Hope this is one more way to remind you of that....
Tak care and warm regards,
P.S : Revamping the mailing list....mostlywill be stopping this junk mail service..much to the relief of many.... thanks for reading till now and haa bahut aatyachar sahien ho baba..ab aaram kar lo :)
Onsite b'day log

From: Tina
Date: Aug 12, 2006 1:57 PM
Subject: Onsite b'day log
this is a teriibly long puran jaisa mail....did not mean that it wud get so looong but chalega
no offense agar padd nahi paayein toh ...shift del ka option hai ;)
It was my b'day last week and have been meaning to write this mail since that time....
for a change this was the 'longest' b'day.... longest in more ways than one.
Longest in terms of hours( i guess 36 hrs india +us timing ) and in terms of feel :)
This was my first b'day onsite and second away from home...
(All my b'days till now have been home.. with traditional going to church even if it is raining cats and dogs.....And haan Mum making the fav payasam(kheer) ...and dinners with a difference....
early morning brushing of teeth , cake cutting .....before my dad goes to wrk and my sis pretending to forget to get a gift for me)
Though the treat of the b'day with friends would be anything from 2 weeks later to 3 months later.... depending on when all the friends are together..... i guess this time treat to all my friends back home might break that record.... :)
The last b'day i had was different was the first one away from home and it was the one having 12 o'clk wishing from friends though i was at office ( though my mother has not yet understood the funda as she says you were born in afternoon so why do they wish you a day earlier... :) ) but i kinda njoii that too.......
Till two days prior to my last b'day i was marooing chakkar of secunderabad station trying to get an alternate ticket to go home as most of the trains and especially for the ones i booked were cancelled due to incessent rains....3 days and i took 3 different sets of tickets with each day hoping that i cud just hop unto the train to go home...
With all roomies telling that maybe it is God's way of showing you to hav a b'day with u shud be here....
Neways that prevailed and i cancelled all the 6 tkts i had as the trains were cancelled till next 10 days....
And what a b'day it was....Since Production release was done and we were attending a call stretching to later than 12.00 at our golden office STC my roomies could not think of giving me a traditional cake cutting at 12.00 in the night.
...While I was attending the call on mute so as to attend the b'day wishes calls coming on my cell phone.
It was as though a burst of calls on the cell..
My friend who was handling her own escalation call totally forgot .....though she was the one who reminded me an hr back that it will be my b'day at midnight....
As I walked down to her cube...after my call was done ...she was gesturing with the phone on one hand (as her phone was not on mute) that pata nahi kab tak call chalega...
I kinda smiled and said softly 'Pata hai aaj kya dinn hai ? ' ....she was like 'kya look' on her face and then it struck her and she put that phone aside and wished me ...saying 'yaar till 15 mins back i remembered ...yeh client call ke wajah se it slipped of my head....
After her call finished we had a jolly laugh over it :) (she is also there in the mail thread )
I should giv her the credit along with other roomies and friends who were out late wrking in office (and basically who were available next day afternoon) to give me a wonderful b'day cake cutting surprise with a difference was the one in the afternoon.. with my roomie managing to get me dressed in my sunday best by saying that she had to go out shopping so please accompany me ( though i was wondering kii why was she going shopping in hot afternoon before going to office when we could do it over the weekend) .....
So in a sense that was a diff b'day altogether.....Diff as it was the first one totally with friends.....Of course all other room mates who were in general shift that day really did curse on missing the cake cutting......
This b'day at onsite was weird as apart from a set of my friends back home and my old friends scattered across US and maybe on orkut profile...nobody knew...
I did not feel as though it was my b'day which was coming up or which has passed by .....
I did not wish to advertise it coz yaar uska feel hii nahi tha....
Even my roomies knew it was this month but not sure when....(partly or rather wholly my fault)
The wishes started first by my parents. and sis . who reminded me a week earlier of my malayalam calender b'day :)
Thats the day i trudged up to the church near my house here ...just to get a feel of how i used to celebrate back home. Of course it is different matter that the church was more than 2 miles afar and by the time i came back home ....sure was feeling a lot lighter....(guess i shud do that more often)
Then my old team juniors from offshore called me up a day prior at midnight to wish me ....
It was such a sweet gesture that I had to fight back the urge of not telling them that my b'day was the next day...(they wud hav anyways known abt it from the office portal)
When said they were like no probs Tina....yehan orkut ka proxy badal no contact on orkut as client env audit chal raha hai no ips to access those sites...
so we just remembered that ur b'day was cuming but not sure when ....
But it was so sweet a gesture that very soon I was floating in the 7th heaven....( i generally do that)
Then at 12 o 'clk mid night my sis ( who generally fast asleep dunno how she struggled to be awake ) called up wishing me that since i was born in india i am wishing you as per indian 12 o'clk.
Got quite a few smses on cell ( though yehan incoming ko bhi charge padhta hai :( )
then a friend onsite called up that evening to wish... I was like onsite mein toh b'day next dinn hai...
He was also of the same funda... ' u were born in US kya ...then i am wishing u as per indian timing' ...
Another friend called up 12 indian time night ....'hey tina happy b'day am busy on call.. will wish you on US midnight ' ....
That day evening i stopped at Pathmark to get a cake as to cut it sumtime tomorrow...(US day time)
Called up my roomies to ask which flavor wud they like as better to get a flavor of general consesus...
and my roomie went ballistic.....
No ways ur going to get the cake.... We are getting it for u .....
Theek hai....Normally like an owl I am awake at night when sumtimes we all friends here conf and chat ...
But on the eve of my b'day i dozed of before 12 o'clk and i was woken up by a call where they were calling 5 mins before the 12 o 'clk so as to not allow neone to call at the 12 o'clk and keep the phone busy....and cud wish at stroke of mid night.....( a trick we all used to do back home )
My roomies got the cake (Mocha Flavor cream cake ..i.e Cofee flavoured ) Have attached the pic for all of u
We had a cake cutting ....Amaaaaaaaaaazzing cake and don't worry one of my roomies did what u all wanted to do for a looong time....but cud not :) she did mash sum cake on my face ....gud yaar now i understand texture itna sahii kaise hota tha chehere ka.... cake daalne ke baad....but the cake was gud....usse hii couple of pounds badd gayein :))
The next day morning at 5.30 US timing one of my friends from india rang up to wish me :)
First half of the conversation mein toh half sleep mein hii thee ...(sorry yaar ur are also there in mailing list )
Par bahut aacha laga as tab tak mere neend udd gayee thee and then we had a conversation for next 15 mins I was wide awake and my roomies were surprised kii how come I got up early as generally I am the last to get up... I go or rather run last out of the house to catch the train.....
My roomie was like aaj ke special day mein salwar kurte pehen rahein ho kya (they can wear indian formals also at their office)...... I was like no way...will look out of place and i do not want to be the center of attention for all the wrong reasons today atleast....Since ours is a corporate Head office ....all days including Friday are formals....As Office mein toh only propah english formals are allowed ...
Went to a church near office ..but i guess AC nahi chal raha tha as kuuch restoration chal raha tha
And that was the time of heat wave in NJ where temp were more than 100 F ...
By the time i came out of the church I was sweating like as though I got wet in rain....
This was i guess my first b'day where the sun was shining ...and it was not raining cats and dogs....
Reached office where the AC was on full blast though nad as usual had forgotten the jacket for protection against the cold climate inside office env....
Took cake for my collegues.....The only thing noticeable was kiii
apna desi collegues were the only ppl who asked kii aaj kuuch special hai kya and wished me for the same.....
Non desis thought i had baked a cake at home first time toh got it to share in office :) ( me and bake a cake...bechara cake :)) )
Lots of wishes on friends mail threads and orkut .....
Especially one of my friends announcing in the group mail thread reply to all...
Wish tina on her __th birthday.....
After that very innocently kuuch prob hai kya agar meine tumhara age bola toh....
I was like it is not exactly in Miss Manner's ka rule book and Etiquette demands that you should not announce a lady's age...
Toh very innocently pooch raha tha.. " Tum kab se Lady ban gayee " I was like Hey bhagwan....
The office portal also had lots of wishes though i came to knw abt it two days later... that email notification part was wrking late ...... i guess
For all those who sent me wishes on my office Id ...thanks for the same...par pictures or fwds nahi dekh payee ..owa does not wrk very well here in office :(
Lunch ke liye went with a few of my collegues to a desi chinese restaurant... Cafeteria ka khana woh bhi aaj ke dinnn no way....
A couple of phone calls more and it was evening soon......
Dinner ke liye we ordered pizza as we were not able to decide kiii kab aur kaha jaaye treat ke liye...
People who are thinking it was because i was deciding ur wrong this time... my roomies were deciding and were not able to come on a consensus......
next day we decided to go for dinner treat to a place near our house from where we cud walk back home.
Next day dinner ke liye me and roomies went to a desi indian place ...which was gud ....only not like the apna hyd restaurant though.... First half of the time we were there we were waiting for one of my roomie to come as she was stuck at office so were ordering starters at regular intervals.... by the time she came we were almost fulll.......
In her excitement she used to loudly laugh and all of us were like 'Shhhhhhh itne jorr se nahi haastein ...side ke table kee bachiii darr jayegee '
(woh baachee actually shayad darr gayee.....)
to my friends in hyd .....shayad vinu-vinay ke party ka record meine idhar todd diya woh bhi only veg treat ke liye:)
one eye brow did go up when the bill arrived though.....:) (aacha hai card payment kar saktein theey)
(and the key incident happened just before we went for dinner ) ...
all in all a very happening day ..
This way mera b'day successfully paaar padd gaya :)
Really missed all our public and esp the cake cutting which were done in our hyd place.....
For those who reached till the end ..phew .....this is what happens when u ask me to describe my onsite b'day....
Small small gestures do make a difference......And this b'day was memorable.....
This looooooooooooooooooooooong mail is my way of saying thanks for the lovely wishes each of you had for me for my b'day .....For those who remembered that it was by b'day some days back by reading this mail...dekh loonge sab ko ;)
Warm Regards,
P.S :: for those of you who got it twice.. sorry for that attached the link of the b'day cake in this as it was bouncing back otherwise.
American Costly affair :)
Date: Aug 4, 2006 1:30 AM
Subject: American Costly affair :)
Well it is not as if I went to sum hilton hotel :) or sumthing ....
just that curious things happens curiously
After a tuf day @ wrk (i mean the humidity while gng and cuming frm wrk ) with temperatures soaring 100F and start of cloudiness.......
My roomie was wrking frm home as i guess she took a toll because of the weather....
the exceptional heat and humidity is amazing too much....(spking like a pucca saheeeb or rather memsahib :) )
Now my roomie was on a bit of cleaning spree so she removed a couple of shipment boxes cardboard waalein jo padein huey theey closet mein ....
Since i was just wrapping up after checking my mails ...she suggested that we cud go and throw the garbage rather than waiting for next day morning....
Meine socha theek hai...atleast it won't look cluttered in our house....
2-3 cartons , a couple boxes and papers (yehan kabaddi walaa nahi hai direct recycleable garbage mein daal detein hai )
it's just 2 min walk ...just outside the visitor entrance....
almost balancing we got out....with the stuff and socha waise hii gng to the garbage can toh cell le jaane ke liye koi zaroorat nahi hai so went ahead locked the door and i took the keys.
Went and threw the stuff and me especially carefull not to throw the key by mistake also in the garbage cart...
It was getting cloudier and was gng on to becum 8 p.m....Chatting that it should not rain atleast tmrw morning we came to the apartment door.... looking at the balcony of the apartment at the back side... i was wondering how easy it is to climb agar ek tree hota.....par balcony ke grill ka koi bharosa nahi ...tootke haat mein aa jayein .. :)
Now we stay @ first floor of an apartment complex ...It is like 12 apartments are there in a two storied building and our house is on the first floor...To enter the apartment complex there are two entrances... the front one u need a key and the behind one also u need a key but it can be opened by buzzing or ringing the bell
ekdum picture jaise ...arrey english picture .... :) (eg : 'you got mail ' mein tom hanks buzzes and meg ryan asks frm top kii whose there and the person inside can open the door by press of the button) though our apartment does not look like that one... :)
so the back gate is the visitors gate and u can also open it with the help of the key ...
Now wht can go wrong in such an innocent surrounding.....
soocho soocho
dimag pe zoor do .....
kuuch gadbad lagta hai ..mujhe bhi nahi lagta
I was opening the door with the key and was wondering kii yeh jaa kyun nahi rahee hai ...
Since it was roomie's key socha kii maybe sum other way the key has to be handled...
so gave her the key and was looking at the mailbox...
' Oh no ' ....merii roomie ne bola ....
I was like what happened ...
' This is my office ka keys.... ghar ke chabbi toh andar hai '
i was like yeh kya hua ... wht to do....
meine bola koi baat nahi try karege maybe this key might wrk
but how do we enter inside....
we requested the lady staying dwnstairs to buzz open the door....who gladly obliged.....
After opening we raced up towards our apartment to try the keys koi nahi wrk ho rahee...
Actually there are two locks and we had easily put the push lock as woh easy hota with our hands filled with samman....
And unfortunately that was the lock for which our third room mate's (who was still in office) key was broken ...
Ab kya karein
I remembered that the balcony was open.(generally we close it to conserve AC ).. went to the front door to see kii whether sumone cud climb on top....
Opened the front door but ensured tht one of us is thereas door stopper nahi toh phirse bahar....
The height of our balcony was definately higher and there were no more friends here who cud climb to save us damsels in distress :)
I went to ask the neighbors the key kii by chance se sumone's matches and we are able to get inside the house....
and my room mate went to ask her collegues key's and also the phone to try to get sum ideas...
ab ismein bhi kya ho sakta hai...tuf luck none of my neighbor's key wrked...
she suggested that we will hav to call emergency number of the apartment....
since we did not have phone she suggested we cud use her phone ...
tab tak my roomie collegue came and offered the phone....
Called up the maintenance guy who said they will be coming .....but it will be charged...
we were like ok baba...
now we are waiting for tht person and i was kinda wondering how cud we circumvent the situation...non of my super nuclear brain cells gave me any idea... :(
within 10 mins the maintenance guy was there (courtesy his staying in next block) ...
and we were waiting near the front door with one of us as door stopper ...
the person came and went to our door and opened the locked door with his maintenance kii chabbi maybe skeleton key :(
and my roomie and i kinda went sheepishly inside and my roomie's collegue asked him much
he said $ 25....
i was like blink blink did i hear right....
and the collegue asked (pucca indian jo theheraa ) any discount :)
atleast he asked ...
me and my roomie were like shocked kii awaaz hii nahi nikal rahee thee...
he was like if u wud hav lost the key then it wud hav been $ 75 + $25 for opening...
but (the gr8 indian comedy show) if it was in the maintenance wrking hours then it wud have been free of charge....
we profusely professed our thanks and after he left my roomie mentioned just for a swipe of key (though profundly grateful ) apne 1200 rs gayeein :(( india mein toh poora lock aa jatta
Now i guess even if we are near the door we will take a key and go :)
Hope fully we won't forget this soon :))
thts wht i say ..things get curiouser and more curiouser and curiously like this :))
well if u hav not slept till now then
tak care and hav a gud day
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Idle Ramblings
From: Tina
Date: Jul 12, 2006 5:50 PM
Subject: Idle Ramblings
After a gap ........not long one though i slowly started to write sumthing....generally when I am observing sum thing or going thru sumthing.... then i always think kii yaar this i shud remember to mail ...sort of mailing in the experiences.....
but mostly these thoughts remain thought alone...
Generally i have something conclusive to write about and then it develops it is just ramblings..........
The cubicles as i described earlier in my office are of a height kii i am dwarfed....toh even if i stand up no one will cum to knw
unless of course ur the person in my next to next cubicle who is above 6" in height.....
So it came as no surprise that i hav almosted crash landed into many ppl...... when i get out of the cubicle i kinda march ahead or rather forge a bullet ( not exactly i am not the size of the bullet though and army truck wud be better) it is like 'na aav dekha naa tav'
And the startled guys are the poor ppl who are cumign from the opposite direction.....
toh generally it is like .... now ppl who hav almost crashed......before they come near my cubicle take a wider circle so that esp they are not hurt.....
When i imagine it from their perspective it is kinda funnny.....
today it was amusing when one collegue just stood... freezed out.... while i was almost rushing out to update sumbody......he saw me rushing(uskii height above 6 ft hai ) so he kinda freezed while telling me he was averting a possible mishap.........................
I just dunno understand the concept...... i mean in the cafeteria i can many ppl having ghaas poosss(Salad's) ....mostly lettuce and lot of variants...
agar itna hii concious hotein ho toh duniya bhar ke type ke cheese kyun daaltein ho.....
also there will be one bottle of coke or pepsi......(frm which angle are either of them healthy?? )
kya pata .....samaj hii nahi aatee......
today had sum dish frm cafeteria...
ek serving of rice (sum kinda masala rice i think) and one chicken and then one serving of sweet corn....and sum kinda sauce on top it....
it looked like straight out of TV cookery shows.....
my collegue and i had were having it and i was like completely taken over by the looks and all
and i asked kii yeh kaunsa type ka khana hai (tasted pretty indian) is this the thai ...kiii mexican variant.....
toh mera collegue bola..."yeh american hai ....and i guess the serving is so small that kuuuch aur bhi lena padega....."
Aaj cafeteria mein baithey toh ekdum lag raaha tha kii india mein baithey hai .....kyun?
arrey TV pe CNN pe Mumbai ke blasts ke feed chal rahein theey
Mostly the same feed ko hii infinite loop mein daal diya....
par baas yehiii kiii ekdum lag raha tha kiiii Aaj tak chal raaha hai ....
waise agle table kiii madamjee soch rahee thee kii new york mein dhamaka hua .....hey bhagwan.....
Mumbai is mumbai whether u like it or not....and it always will have a soft spot
It has an identity of its own.....and it is in many ways the city that never sleeps
Countless reams have been written on the Spirit of Mumbai.... so not repeating most....
Also throughout any friends with remote connection to mumbai....dhadaaa dhaad mailing mailing to find out kii everyone is ok or not...
I guess for most Mumbai is just a place known or been but mumbai in itself is a vibrant and a different metro.....
glad that it is not like many other metros....
While ppl are aloof and always on the move yet u do find realistic ways in which ppl do ensure to enliven the way they interact ...they help
Of course the grey and black sides also exist but in general ppl are such kiii they are wrkign towards making a living and in the midst of the harried pace they do stop to help .....they do stop to get up in case of adversaries and stand up and pick the Pieces and forge ahead.....
And thats one of the things we need to be grateful for kiii Gud that everything went back to normal in a short time and 'Touch Wood ' it remains that way.......
For more info :
I guess pretty soon sumone will definately protest against ekta kapoor........
why suddenly u might wonder ..... am i raving abt the poor kid who kinda struggled up to carve her niche in the tough bad world of film industry......
it all started when my roomies found a way to see the TV serials.....
For a person who got Tired of serials where Taa raa ra Tara made headlines...... (i stopped seeing the serials long back...wud prefer movie or a one episode one day sitcom ne day)
So during dinner when they used to see , since i did nt have anything better to do... i was also seeing it...... the 30 min serials are generally classified as
5 mins - Previous Day recap
5 mins - Ad... (fortunately ek site mein woh bhi nahi hai)
5 mins - sum song khushi hoga toh sum gaana bajana..dukh mein sum other song.agar gaana nahi hai toh phir se ad.
10 mins - 2 mins worth of front,side, zoom view of all the characters including the butler......
in between few lines in which u cum to knw wht the story is( 0.0000000000000001 % of the story so that they can drag the story till eternity) ....
also maybe sum other serial kii character or sum hero or herione will make an appearence....
and sumtimes in the serial ad.... for eg:
Character A : July 17th or sumthing mein kahii nahi jauungee...
Character B and C : Kyun
Character A : Golmaal release ho rahee hai naaah it has my fav actor....(does character A mean by any chance Tusshar Kapoor ...seems to be seen )
Last 5 mins are preparing for the sudden surprise for next day......
And haa bhalein hiii u can't hear the dialogue but u can definately hear the background song.... which in this serial is 'Kalyug ' movie ka song....arrrrrrrgggggggggggghhhhh
and then finally the torturous..... half and hr is over
where i hav a whale of time criticising everybody and my roomies are trying to figure out the serial in middle of my running commentary......
For those of my friends who have experienced the running commentary i used to giv at movies.....try not to sympathise with my roomies yaar mere ko jara sympathise karo :)
mostly filled the mail with nonsense.....padh looo reading improve hogeee :))
tak care
Tina :)
P.S : agar mailing list se hatana hai toh just intimate me ok ...
Friday, June 09, 2006
US Travelogue 3
Date: Jun 6, 2006 5:22 PM
Subject: US Travelogue 3
I like experimenting :) thats the conclusion i reached after my Rotis were not exactly round.......:)
Jaara jyada hiiii paaani ho gaya tha .....or rather i was making the american rotis :) i guess in india i got to used to the water - aata proportion of Aashirwaad and Annapurna
to all my former roomies who all used to cook after cuming from office...i am following ur pattern here.. cooking shyam ko.........
Neways they were not that bad ...just cud not distinguish whether it was moon or austrailia or sum other country geographically......
The taking dabba to office thing is really gud though monotonous..........and there is always the temptation of gng to eat out as in india... but the thought of bland (it is not that bad) cafeteria food drives all such notions to the back of the head....
the concept of 'to go' i.e parcelling for home is gr8 fundaaaa
the corresponding terms also are equally gr8....yehan pe portions of food are so much and of course ppl do not share as in grp venture in india so woh khana jyada hota hai and as a result part of the food if it is lunch is parcelled for night i.e dinner.
not yet got used to that concept though :) seriously.....still can't have the same thing for lunch and dinner and that too on the same day
weekend was ok....saw my first downloaded movie (as in the one i downloaded from net) thanks to my friends in different time zones who hav no better thing to do than to giv me company via internet :)
trying to get a to - go phone (Prepaid) or Post paid phone....par woh phir se jaake credit card or SSN pe atak tha hai.... looking into that
toh sampark karne ka jariya ab toh internet mail thru hii hai....
weekend was ok ok... i was at home as it was pouring outside :(
so in the mean time got acquainted with the washer -dryer component we hav :)
atleast i am glad that i dunnot have to wash the clothes :) in the bath tub atleast :))
but yaar i miss the well scrubbed clothes dried in the sun and i guess i hav to get used to dried in blower .........
one more thing i hav to get used to is the yellow bulb lights :(
i miss tubelight... i guess i will hav to find more kii kaha pe hai and install it myself....
par that is when i find the electrical appliance store....
till then bulb ke lights...
Ghar pe also i used to go around putting tubelights(though Pune low voltage mein woh bhi nahi jalta hai :( ) rather than bulbs....
yehan pe high wattage yellow light hai :) ... i guess they wrk as heater in the room also...woh kaafi garam kar dete hai ...maybe it will be useful in winter ;)
Sunday ko we went grocery shopping near my place ...walkable distance....though carrying the heavy stuff makes it not so walkable though...
idhar mostly weekly shopping hai... and no doodh waala also get the milk for the week :)
same applies for juice or curd or rather yogurt anything edible i suppose:)
Back in india, i used to wonder where did all the big bottles of vatika and many products disappear... now i know... i guess they cum to new jersey :) sab kuuch milta hai ..even cocunut, mustard oil.....
only difference is that it is in $ and cents.....and of course the taste of the fruits and veggies
sab super size and low taste or i shud say watery taste....
Monday was kinda ok... i was in a hurry toh forgot abt the dabba part of it... no probs had frm cafeteria .....i used to like lettuce leaves pehle in sandwiches and stuff.... idhar toh salad mein wohi sab hota hai...toh aaj kal not exactly fond of those leaves......
Met another of my managers.... whose name is Sue....whenever sumone calls her i remember Aamir Khan calling the heroine in Rang de basanti with the song "Chuu kar mere mann ko kiya tune kya ishara "... i do hav a tough time keeping a straight face though....
At times it is weird the sense that the offices are so deadly quiet that i feel as though i am the only one the whole floor typing away to glory other times u can hear ppl of course managers sort of talking loudly although humko toh explicitly bola gaya hai kii u shud not converse loudly :) ( i guess typical indian trademark)
Went to another american office for the SSN ....better than indian gov offices but typically same... it really does test ur patience....waiting waiting waiting ........till ur almost asleep.... zzzzzzzzzz
Neways....dektein hai...will keep broadcasting .....but it will help to knw kii atleast sum ppl are receiving my mails....else i will always wonder kii mail jaa bhi raaha hai kiii ppl hav blocked me or sumthing....
Keep mailing... hpe i too get to read a lot of stuff ( as in mails not official ok woh toh bahut documentation pada hai)
Tina. :)
P.S Neones wants this atyachar to stop then please send me a blank mail or atleast a one sentence mail... calls will also be accepted :)
Friday, June 02, 2006
US Travelogue 2
Date: Jun 1, 2006 3:44 PM
Subject: US Travelogue 2
Garden State that is what they call New Jersey .... it is really always wondering how will all this look in the winter....
Heard that it is pouring back home..... Here climate or rather weather is classified as 'Summer' and 'Winter' i guess :)
And it rains either with water or with snow either ways in both these weather.....
Atleast i shud thank english sitcoms and i think it should be 'U have got mail' ya ' when harry met sally' sum meg ryan movie where the sidewalks are like new brunswick.....really want to capture all that in camera(god knws capturing or taking photo is allowed or not )
Camera nahi hain yaar :).... tab tak all of u will hav to make do with my verbal rather written communication.
Walking across my office figuring out how to cross..(crosswalk pe hii cross karna padta hai) across a lane with trees on both sides it is gud u knw..
am also near the rutgers university :) so ekdum movie set hii lagta hain
"Sorry the system is having sum problem ..please cud u cum tmrw......"... thats when i looked up...a security officer was telling me that ..i had gone to get my access card...that tooo after waiting for abt 20 mins.... gr8 i thought wapas idhar tak kal chalo
it is another building just ahead and uske aandar toh u get lost...yesterday took a while to figure that out ..phir pata chala kii basement mein kahiii toh hai ..."Ok sure " I said and went to walk down(4 mins) down the heavenly path i.e cobbled street ...
Moved to my new place today..sharing an apartment with aquaintance...aaj savere got up like at 6.45 as she goes early as she wrks in new york. since i will be catching the Train to my office thought of going with her ...Just got up sumhow aadhe neend mein and we were out by 7.20 to catch the shuttle which wud drop us to train station to catch the 7.52 :)
ekdum mumbaiyyya jaise bol rahee huun naah ...local fast slow etc etc :)
abhi aur practise karnee hain...(while cuming it was ok as public thee) ab jaate waqt jaara R&D maarna padga as i will be gng frm here alone.(till i get sum public)....
New Brunswick where i wrk is three station away frm MetroPark station..(so that leaves with no time for cutting vegetables,etc as in mumbai local train;) )
Then as soon as i got down (as suggested by my roomie) went to get a train pass...most of it is vending machine se.. i was not sure whether i hav that much money went hunting for ticket pass frm the teller....yehan pe train station uppar hai... i mean apne yeha pe station niche hai and ek platform se doosre platform u go by overhead bridge
yehan ek hii set of platform hai like 1 and 2 and it is at apna overbridge ke height
so u hav escalator going on top or steps and then there are counters also.
Train toh is not like India...(not exactly like Dilwale Dulhaniya also..that was costlier version or long distance type i guess) Aluminum types with automatic doors will be closed when train is running toh jumping out of train ka saawal hii nahi ...once inside it is pretty spacious..with a two ppl sitting capacity seat...and uske baju mein three ppl can sit(4 if ur thin i guess) and the conductor cums to chk ur tkt...the drive is gud today i was jsut thinking abt where to get down toh did not look out of window much except if there was a station there..
"It is pretty easy and effortless" but i will tell that tmrw after my today ka exp :)
then again went to security office to get the badge....uska camera wrk nahi kar raha tha...toh then he got a digicam...(itna mann kiya poochne ko kiii kitne mein khareeda :) my normal question back in india) fortunately badge ka photu toh aa gayaa par he said kii woh afternoon tak hhii hoga ..i was like phirse aao ohh noo... toh usne bola will be delivered to ur office front desk....sahii hain i thought :)
hey guys aisa mat socho ki mereko kaam nahi hain...just yeh hain kii mein updates dene ke liye time nikal rahee huun ;) mail ya forward karne mein jyada time nahi lagta hai ...toh if ur getttng sum mail or fwd frm me does not mean kii i am not wrking just that i am multi tasking :))
college ke baad dabbaaa leke jaane ka prayog meine idhar start kar diya...shyam ko make the food and then tak it the next day ke liye as savere utkey bana nahi saktein bahut late hoga...maybe thode time ke baad can try that...cafeteria ke khane se toh theek hai kuuch bhi
pehde do diinnn toh eggplant try kiya, phir kuuch rice noodles type try kiya...aur ek dinn bahar khaya..waise eggplant is brinjal :)) okra is lady's finger :)
veg hii safe lagta hai...agar katcha hai toh bhi theek hai :) non veg ke alag varieties se mein abhi getting used to hii ho rahee huun.
Finally dopahar ko gayee to get the badge toh pata chala kii aaya hii nahi hai...phir socha thoda grace period de de...went to bank to get a form toh bank mein woh banda mila...dekhtein hii bola i hav just given to front desk.. i was like cool
atleast one gud thing abt the badge is that nahi toh everyday hav to get a temp access card...roj pasasport dikhao abhiyan....
chalo aaj ke dinn ke liye itna hii hee
tak care
finally ek system aur phone
Date: May 31, 2006 6:32 PM
Subject: finally ek system aur phone
Finally aaj ka dinnn partially aacha tha....ek system toh mila ....mera apna kehne ko :)
par admin access kuuch nahi hain :)
this is my desk num - *** *** ****
Ghar ka bhi ho gaya :) Finaalllly i was beginning to think kii milega hii nahi
It is an apartment single bed room waala. I will be sharing with two other girls.
One of them is from apna office ..mera location so i guess sumone i knw...
better sumone i knw than nobody at all...
will keep giving updates like this whenever possible.
tak care.
P.S yeh phone thoda bhayankar hain with all possible options thoda time lagega iske Rnd ke liye :)
US Travelogue - 1 The Beginning.
Date: May 25, 2006 10:08 AM
Subject: US travelogues : 1
muskhil se system mila hain
and haa i am not going to compete for santosh 's UK mail no way...
had wanted to mail u all the first two days
I was free like anything but no net or PC yaar.
bore ho gaya
getting used to the fact that i dunnot hav grp here :)
so many things to explore but no grp yaar..
Till now in hotel
will have to search for accomodation
Office is ok
CTP jaise hii hai in terms of aandar ke lights bas yehii kii cubicles are higher toh ppl cannot peep :)
ekdum faujii uniform ka green ka colour hai
dheeme aawaj mein baat karnee kee addaat daal rahee huun
:( yaar i spk too loudly u knw
idhar sharing etc ka funda hii nahi hain
i mean khane ka... so huge plates of food ...usko toh aadha khatam bhi nahi kar saktein
mostly bland food
ek indian restaurant dikha that was good :)
par yaar idhar distances are like far off toh car hai toh it is nice...
near my office there is railway station... that is the only public transport i saw.
it is beautiful while driving
par places are far off.
pata nahi thandii mein kya haal hoga
yeh toh i am writing at random thoda sochne ka time milee toh aur acche le linkunge
bread toast jam aur cheese kha kha khake i dunnot want any thing sweet yaar
motee bhi hone kii sambhavnaayein hain
hotel mein gym hai
par itne log of different types hain kii mujhe sharam aateee hain :):)
not that just feel very weird.
spicy food nahi hain yaar
ek india restaurant hain
toh worse case ke liye option ho gaya
will mail in much more detail thoda settle hone do phir.
sorry for not mailing u guys earlier
arrey gmail ka access hain par satyam ka access withing this nw nahi hota
and hotel mein i dunnot hav computer to access any mails
so totally unconnected
take care
keep mailing to me also
warm regards,
Realization ...
If i tend to write mails i am able to word things better.....
so these are a compilation of all the mails i have sent across to my friends and collegues :)
in between i will also be writing in normal blog format also.....
Thursday, April 20, 2006
A Haatke weekend :)
Subject: A Haatke weekend :)
The players :)
Guys : Vinayak,Prashant,Suraj,Vinay,Dipu,Vijay,-----Manoj,Santosh(Partly)
Gals : Minal,Shri, Hema and me.
As days go close of parting hues….
We try to do give everyone their dues….
In such a way that we are left with more number of things to be done together than the time which we have to spend together….
I guess that is what happened this weekend….
Ever notice that when u are conscious of the fact that u want to closely keep the time with you in wrap of ur hand it is like sand in closed fist….it spills out….
And when u pass thru time breezily … like holding sand in ur open palms …it stays intact…..
Too much of philosophy :)
With the public in hyd decidedly getting smaller and smaller each weekend is spent in trying to keep the time spend together to cherish memories when all this will not be possible….
This weekend was haatke in that respect… was as though tried to compress a couple or more weekends together…. :):)
It all started (as always in hyd) in the afternoon ;)…….
Dipu had cum back to hyd for his first visit as friend to hyd frm pune…..
I guess he came early by the morning bus and the brunt of his arrival was faced by his roomies I suppose (who were up late the night before )
As usual it was decided that we will meet for lunch…..
Where as usual inspite of all the precautions girls party reached just in time (according to them ) and way after time(according to guys )
Had dhaba type khaana in the spl AC room of the restaurant coz I guess the general restaurant was full with a bunch of people who were constantly chattering away to glory :)
In order to be heard above them we moved to the AC part of the restaurant where I guess the AC was just a blower…..
In the amazing Hyd heat (abhi toh humidity bhi aa gayee hain :( ) we all had more water than food I guess (reminded of the pre acclimatized to Chennai days )
Then uske baad kya…. Waiting for Santosh and minal to join us… par itna timepass karenge kaha….
Toh chalo movie ….the movie in pipeline was 3.45 kiii banaras in skyline….toh zip zap zoomed to Benaras (in rick ok )
In theatre not much of a crowd.. thought kii maybe there will be no tickets…
The ladies(shri,hema and me) went forward and took the tkts …gr8 for us that tkts were available…..
Proceeded to balcony of Sterling ….
No numbers in tkt so proceeded to seat ourselves accordingly …..
Placed ourselves in front of blower as it was better than the non existent AC :)
A lot of rap or rock was being played in background then we were as usual waiting for trailers
:(:( unfortunately none came… not even RS Brothers(Saree waala Telegu ad) ..directly movie….
Came to know that the most famous crooner himesh reshmaniya is the music director of the movie….. I was bracing myself for the torturous music
When Vinayak and others in his memory crooned ooooohnnnnnnn ohnnnnnnnnn khajooorrrr ……
This was followed by guys looking at the tri ladies (one with kid) who were placed further below us…:) and also manoj and vinayak ka running between the seats….not for them baba… aise hiii
The movie was followed without a hitch with most of us getting a headache by the interval… after interval was fairly decent and gratefully all the songs were sung by sonu except for one by all of our fav crooner :) (bkground mein tha) for which manoj and I were debating what is the case.
Phir ghar gayein then thought we will meet all in EAT street… Humare ghar chai peeke we went ahead or rather first guys went ahead to EAT STREET and then girls came behind as usual LATE according to guys but actually we were stuck in horrible traffic
After a customary argument with rickshaw waaala on the fare we reached EAT STREET where Sania mania was gng on ..there was a sort of karoke gng on where most of the singers were playing nasal tribute to the fav music director I guess…..
We then sang for vinay assuming that it is his birthday(which was not the case) so loudly that it attracted the host and she announced loudly to wish Vinay for his birthday …:) we all joined in by singing loudly Happy Birthday with the person who was singing on mike….
Had reminiscent talks in the lawn next to eat street…after which the talks continued in the boys ka ghar with parcels of food :) deadly hungry by then ….
Following which we all went home and grabbed a few hours ka sleep…..(really few hours :( )
Sunday dawned by afternoon…… :)
We got together for having food at gujrati cum rajasthani cum maharashtra mandal where we were joined by inbatch satyam couple :)
Yes u guessed it right the OZEs :) gr8 to see them after a long time…..after that wanted to go bowling but the place near clock tower was under renovation
Thought instead of roaming in hot sun we will just go to the boys house and atleast see sum movie and drink cold water (unke paas fridge hain )
By then vinay found out that ameerpet one is open so remaining people zoomed into ameerpet (bikes ke itne hii log ho gayein hain)..
Played bowling and had lot of fun esp coz when wanted the ball used to go by the sides without displacing a single bowling pin LL
Winners of the evening were Vinay and Vinayak ……
Finished the bowling and which was followed by trying a few remaining games while prashant and I went for sania mania T shirts which unfortunately after a long wait at lifestyle where we browsed cds ,cassette, clothes and discussed the pricing of iPods and mobiles…. No sania mania Tshits :(:(
Finally each of us went home so that we would reach near Yatri Niwas for Dipu’s Bus to Pune….
After which we planned of gng to Hi Tech for Santosh’s famed Malaysian Penang Soup at Wang’s Kitchen…Santosh ke gaon ka restaurant…. :)
The girls finally reached Yatri Niwas just in time with a minor heart attack that the Dipu’s bus had left as just before reaching an APSRTC bus had left…..
Gr8 that it had not left till then ..after all the bye byes Dipu ‘s bus finally took off….
When we thought that we are anyways gng to hi tech toh might as well go with the bus….
So all of us …zoomed with the bikes as if Dipu’s bus was the ministers car and we were the convoy :)
Finally bade him good bye and proceeded to the drive to Hi tech with a couple of film songs thrown in (without music though). Tried to remember a few but saarein words nahi yaad aayein
The drive was really good when finally we zoomed in to The restaurant…...
Sab bol rahein thee kii waha hain restaurant and I am like upper kahi board to nahi dikh raha hain phir dekha toh basement mein thaa :)
Santosh had already made reservations for us … but minal and I went and asked the person there for a place for 10 ppl and he was at loss to se that how we cud be accomadated esp when many places there were placards of Reserved…. Then Santosh with his late entry style came up and told that person there is a reservation of Santosh Satyam :):) making our popat esp with that guy telling I had asked u all earlier…..
The food was gr8 and we all njoiied it (courtesy Santosh) and even Prashant was happy with his American Cho suey :) (that’s a major achievement J…hai naa praashant)
Then it was decided kii either critically acclaimed CRASH movie or drive in Hitech as there were 5 bikes….
Went for the CRASH though…and again all of us zoomed to PVR where minal and I dashed for tkts but our hopes of seeing CRASH crashed as all the tkts were sold out….:(
But no probs Njoiied the drive frm hitech to PVR in under 10-15 mins…..
And amazingly our weekend came to a close……
It was a different weekend with many of us actually knowing abt others and their perceptions…
And we will cherish the weekend for not just the bike rides but also for a lot of interactions we all had….
Also were missed the 3 ppl in hyd who cud not have made it because of the total unpredicatability…… (mr and mrs oze and pankaj)
For all the sentimental fool I am … here was the gist of the weekend to pass sum magic(hypothetically) we all felt … so that you all cud all partake in it :)
For all the nawabi tehzeeb we have here in hyd….wht we did this weekend was nothing extra ordinary but very plain just I guess maybe emphasized by the fact that there very few of us remaining….
Hope u all njoied the long Gist :)
Keep mailing
Tina :)
P.S : All the feelings and imagery is mine alone …take it with a pinch of salt….. :)
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Amazing...frustration at its peak....
How is it that that word combines a lot of what we feel
At present I am feeling pretty lousy so I guess that is being seen in the prose…..
I guess no … no … I am sure we are foolish or rather I am definitely foolish…….
Still no clue eh ….. ?
I am feeling pretty lousy but yet I can smile wryly though
Why did we come packaged with the thought that we should work efficiently
Work in such a way so as to motivate ourselves …
Work to sum way satisfy the craving (if at all) we have for work……
Be dependable...
Be unbiased in terms of work…
Grab the work in such a way as though we have never worked earlier…..
Work with no motivation ….
Work with absolutely no way to do justice
Work that just zappps urself…..
It is that or the fact that I am foolish…..
Why is it ingrained that we should work for our satisfaction not for showing others?
Why is it ingrained that we should be foolish to work in this way that we get satisfaction though not the money?
My vocabulary is falling short I guess…..
I want the frustration to create a literary master piece and nonsense it is as terrible as ever…..
Feel even worse at having spoken my mind to sumone.
Feel frustrated yaar….. and I guess wonder why did I ever start wrking first place….
I should have stayed at home….
Gone to sum call center (our timings are like that only)
Still the same ingrained feeling that you did engineering to go there????
Why why ???
Or gr8 should have gone into Home Science or sumthing….
Atleast I would be good with belan…..
Or better should have studied till 12th only….
Would have got some work to do with hands that could do justice to the ingrained notions above….
Should have started sum gardening or pottery or sumthing….
Best should have done sum sewing or knitting
Gr8 amazing way to work…..
I guess I am really irritated that the thoughts i had never thought are just coming…..
I think I should seriously contemplate on the above……
Not too late I guess…….
Just wasted 2 years in Junior college and another 4 years in Engg… and greater part of two years working with all the motivation that now I have just none.
Absolutely great way to spend wallowing in Frustration at the start of the week…..
Hehehhehehehehe ( imagine ZEE HORROR SHOW laugh )
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Penning the ideas
the ideas just flow past u....
And when u do sit down to write it is like a blank slate....
Can't fill in inspite of the fact that at times one is brimming with a lot of ideas.....
sumtimes though like an anticlimax when ur typing .... u have so many ideas that typing seems real slow.....
Also ever notice that sumtimes with just a few words one can correctly get the whole picture in mind ...
and sumtimes no matter how much u write u cannot grab the essence at all.
Am i an owl or what......
Of course not to show that i am working late...but it is just that i like the idea of ppl cuming and reading my mail first...
Technically at 2 or 3 a.m it is right time to say 'Good Morning' but it is too dark outside to feel so though....
Most of my friends have now got an impression that i am after all working for some Call Center (though I am in a pure development proj) Handling calls at night.. Now that ... you see I am handling client calls at that time but time and again it is for some code pushing to production or sumthing like that.....
And I am not working for a call center....(though development teams seldom do wait late)
But then i do stay late hours.... i used to never late nights even to study for any exams or tests....
The only time i remember doing night out was to watch sum movie which was scheduled by our good old DD(national TV channel) at ungodly hour....
There was a time and project when i used to (still do) like working mornings... basically am an early morning person... think that most of the productive work happens in the mornings when one i fresh...
Now I guess focus is on just getting sum work done work late....
My team mates blasting music at one corner... Another team discussing the happenings in their project.... (sum are like me working late and sum are not like me and working for prod support 24*7)
Most of us have seen offices by morning.. but here too at night sumtimes ppl working under the artificial white lights give the impression that ppl are wrking in the late evening... it is only when u glance at the time that u realize that 'ohh it is after midnight' .....
'Early to bed early to rise, Makes a man healthy wealthy and wise'....
who knows whether framing this as
Late to bed, Late to rise, Makes a man unhealthy, maybe wealthy and sleepy
Makes more sense for all the night owls.....
Most of the working late is because of co-ordinating with the onsite and that could be anywhere on the face of the earth....
In the H.G.Wells book, Time is described as the fourth dimension...Hope this dimension does not add up and we wud be co-ordinating sumwhere with space too.....
But sumtimes it is fun to wrk late... it is kind of relaxing and offbeat......
Sumtimes it brings out the passion in getting the work done .....
Though i don't think it is enjoyable and healthy in the long term....
But till it lasts..... Lets njoii being a night owl......... :)
The Night owl(only on weekdays)
Monday, January 16, 2006
Morals of Dil Chahta Hai ....
for an avid movie watcher, fav movies actually stumped me... i like so many movies but am blank abt their names(isn't that usual).....
After updating my profile.... just remembered i like Dil Chahta hai(Hindi movie)....
It is a good movie atleast the thought and experiences of the three protagonists....
Here is the forward i had got sumtime back as Morals of Dil Chahta Hai... (The thought that counts not the preachy nature ) whoever penned them really analysed a lot...
Things u can learn from Dil Chahta Hai..
* Freaking out and enjoying life doesn't need drugs or cigarettes.
* There are relationships apart from bf/gf, marriage, siblings, friendship that can be very emotional and true. This is beyond the understanding of many people.
* And yeah even though u may be the best of friends there is always a limit which shud never never be crossed. Then it starts hurting...........
* Improving ur imperfections after you realize it, always take some time.
* You always don’t need to show or prove your gf how much u love or care about her, which can sound very boring and finally u r dumped.
* Believe in Love, true love will never let you down
* Never be ashamed to go back to your old friends, friends are there to understand your mistakes.
* Do not be afraid of others, always think that others r afraid of you.(Australian Beggar )
* Whenever you need your friend, remember that he is just a phone call away... distances can't separate friends
* What a woman wants in life is some one who can make her smile. Be true in all your relationships, be friend, wife, or a stranger.
* In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
* It's the friends you can call up at 4 A. M. that matter.
* The only unchangeable certainty is that nothing is certain or unchangeable.
* The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with - never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.
Hope all of us get good friends in life....
writer's block or blogger's block
it is reading blogs... like the fact that there are many out there having thoughts that seems like carbon copies of mine floating online....
so all the adrenaline rushing finally after quite a few reads felt why not have my own blog...
i do like to write sumtimes on and off... i do mail my musings to a select group of friends(poor ppl!!! ).... then thought i why not subject the torture to a few more ....
finally decided... took my first step towards blogging...
there came the first hurdle... what shud i name the blog... my name being fairly common.... cannot use that....
wanted sumthing which will attract sum attention but not a lot... sumthing that will be fairly common for friends to remember when the type online...
i used to think that i knw quite a few synonyms.... but there the webpage is asking me to write a name for ur blog and there i am blank .....
I can get names only with @ or by and all the names seem so clumsy and not elegant....
finally decide to write and at the very first mini step this....
spent good 5 mins deciding shud i get sum name frm old english... shud i use two adjectives...
and for the next five mins was wondering why i did not have an unpronuncable surname atleast that way my name wud hav been unique .....
then i thought better still write a diary... no bother of naming it.... but i knw i will write a page and leave it....
no no ...
i must write ahead... atleast online.... atleast one post....
good few mins later no headway... then thought forget whatever just write that....
then thought of leisurelymusings ... ah wht a sound and effect...
but who wud remember the continuous spelling... more chances of mistake....
how abt randommusings .... fairly same effect...
but wht if sumone misses the double 'm' ....
This is getting me nowhere.... thats it... i can continue till the end of the day with this stuff...
4get it i am lazy but not to the extent of not thinking up a name.
ok decided on a simple no nonsense name - tina2blog
atleast it makes up for the lack of complicated surname
finally made sum headway….
hope this adrenaline rush keeps up and i do more than one post J
atleast i won’t have to write every day like i wud have had to if i had my diary…
like ‘Emily’ in L.M. Montgomery’s says there are times when I have to write…. put all the pent up thoughts into words….maybe that time the blog will be my writepad
so long…
hey check this out
sumthing if u have loads of time to spare…