From: Tina
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2008 7:27 PM
Subject: Cooking -Male or Female Streak :)
One of my friends sent out an email detailing a recipe he made over the weekend.
It was a well detailed account of how the subji had to be made….Some of the tadka rules which even I had missed out were listed there…
That set me thinking about when guys cook :) Strange about why it set me thinking…
But some of the guys I know cook real well :) somehow have the patience that lacks in general female.
One of the first male characters whom I saw cooking was not Sanjeev Kapoor (Khana Khazana fame) or Yan (From Yan Can Cook fame)
Though TV did popularize the two :)
It was Dad, who used to enter the kitchen to whip up something exceptional (generally deep fried ) when us kids and he had a holiday…
Basically when Mom was in office so that you get the whole day to cook and clean :)
But woe to us sisters who had to clean up after that…
Generally rules which coincided with the fact that it could be one of the lucky days when dad was cooking.
1) The kitchen was spotlessly clean.
2) Backup food was generally :) just in case of a disaster ( which generally did not happen)
Generally I guess men who have stayed as bachelors or with friends atleast some of them have a tendency to cook :)
One of the more ways to show off the creative side.
Most females (read moms) have generally come up with their own styles and fast forward tricks for the dishes they seem to dish out day in and day out.
Generally they are whipping up stuff daily just before the other household chores and before rest of the family gathers for dinner or an unexpected guest comes up.
Yet they are ready to dish out something from ordinary to something really exceptional.
Of course dad would also make something exceptional once in a while with us sisters as helpers and also audience.
Generally it used to be onion bhajji and by the time mom used to be back from office the spotless kitchen which she had left looked like Hurricane had just run through…:)
Then friends developed an interest to cooking…Guys generally I knew of some of them exceptional cooks some how things used to turn out good when they cooked.
Of course in guys generally they have thousands of ‘nakhras’ when they are at home and mommy cooks but when they cook no such thing :)
When ppl who enter kitchen once in a while cook they really dish out sumthing nice.. coz generally they take the own sweet time and patience required and the dish turns out voila ‘Nice’.
The carrot will be chopped at distinctly one inch piece…as though geometrically shaped. That onion and potato look like they have come out of geometry book instead of under knives..
So with lot of time and patience the time which probably likes of mom take to cook three dishes , our friends (read guys ) take to cook one :)
But seriously they have been better cooks though some of the stuff even beats them in terms of patience and notable in that is the desserts especially the ones involving Rice :)
This is not to start a post as to who is good and who is not…But generally cooking is what I consider one of the outlets to show creative outlets..
Guys or gals are good at it but the variation and cooking style differ in terms of who is cooking , how often and in combination with what all other things you are cooking…
Like in my case hopping from before the TV and kitchen :)
So long keep mailing and cooking or best eating :)
Warm Regards,
Tina :)