As I was browsing rediff came across this article..... http://specials.rediff.com/movies/2006/oct/13sd1.htm
But instead of thinking abt the Diwali factor...(article was for How Bollywood celebrates the festival of lights) I went on a different track.....
This picture reminded me of how Waqt (one of my favourites movies) is so different from the movies that come up today .... Looking back at this picture reminded me of how chivalrous men were and how different were the get up of females then....
The bouiffed hair do and the stitched on to you clothes....Yet it was an era ...be it in regional cinema...bollywood or hollywood...
where actors charmed people by their graces.....and most of whom had an aura about them..irrespective of whatever the tabloids said.... there youthful Shashi Kapoor...a yahoo Shammi Kapoor... a charismatic Dharmendra and a wonderful Sunil Dutt......boyish Joy Mukherjee
Of course there were stalwarts like Balraj Sahni, Pran, Prithviraj and of course Dileep Kumar.
Who can forget the doll like Saira, the Sadhana in white, coiffed Asha Parekh,smiling Vyajayantimala, doe eyed Sharmila, the trendsetter Nargis or the effervescent Madhubala....
They had a grace which could be rivaled by very few.....
The different part about these movies were that most of them are not watchable with the current mindset...for these you have to go to the nostlagic mindset :)
All the movies had real good songs..hummable even now...and mostly with social messages which did not seem like a bitter pill to swallow....else it was the typical "Alls Right with the world" ending inspite of all the trials and tribulations the protagonist had to suffer through out the movie... And yes some fabulous scenaries prior to Yash Chopra discovering Switzerland ..........
So long those were the days of some real good different movies.......the magic of which can rarely be recreated now.....